Monday, 4 February 2019

What is kidney?
A pair of organs in the abdomen, each having the size about half
Of a fist; that act as filters of blood ensuring proper filtration and
Any damage to the kidney results in imbalance of body fluids.

                                        What do the kidneys do?
Kidneys remove waste products such as urea which is formed
when proteins Are broken down. They help to balance essential
 ions (such as sodium, potassium And calcium) in the body.
 Hormones like erythropoietin secreted by the kidneys
Help in controlling blood pressure and stimulate bone marrow
to produce red  Blood cells. With the help of kidneys the body
is able to get rid of not only fluids But also, excess waste, drugs
 or other toxins through urine. Water balance is  Maintained by
 them by either holding back water or releasing excess water
Through urine. When water is retained, more fluids enter blood
vessels and the  Volume of blood increases, thus increasing pressure.
On the other hand if the Release of water is more, the reverse condition occur. Renin, a protein produced by the kidney cells have a hormone like effect that Raises the blood pressure, it also secretes calcitriol (active form of vitamin D) Which maintains the calcium levels in the body. Acid-base balance and energy Metabolism are                                                            also influenced by these bean shaped organs

What can affect functions?
·         Kidney stones – It is caused due to the deposition of salts in the kidneys
and along the urinary tract. These small hard deposits are usually made
up of calcium salts and uric acid.
·         Glomerulonephritis – inflammation within the glomeruli (a cluster of
Blood vessels) or other parts of the kidney.
·         Chronic kidney disease(CKD) – A condition that refers to the loss of kidney
Function over a time period, at least 3 months; due to which the blood cannot
Be filtered properly. It is analyzed using glomerular filtration rate (GFR), markers
Of kidney damage or a combination of both
·         Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) – A group of disorder that result in the development of multiple renal (kidney) cysts
·         Lupus nephritis – It is the inflammation of kidneys due to an autoimmune disorder
(body attacking its own cells) called systemic lupus erythematosus. In turn it may result
In hematuria (blood in urine) and proteinuria (protein in urine)

Saturday, 26 January 2019




‘Beats it shows many, yet diseases it grows become canny.
It’s your heart the source of your life and a dead mans despise.
So it toils to avoid trouble and becomes your lovable mettle
For shall you miss its cry it will smother your every try”

The Heart exudes life and draws zest of ardour through its functional
role contraction and expansion. Sometimes diseases, complimented
further by our lifestyle results in numerous ailments targeting this organ.
The heart pumps deoxygenated blood from right atrium to the right ventricle
and sends it to lungs for oxygenation.Here blood exchanges carbon dioxide
for oxygen and gets Oxygenated.Lungs again sends it back to the heart
left atrium. Oxygenated blood is then sent to the left ventricle,from
where it is directed towards the Cell and organs.
This established mechanism facilitates the smooth functioning of the body,but any upset
Caused by a resilient factor invites various Cardiovascular Diseases(CVDs)

CVD has Engulfed Lives Grisly!

CVD affects more than 422 million peoples worldwide
every year and leads to 17 million deaths.India has seen
more than 37 million cases of CVD and is more prone to
This disease than the world.The country exhibits a death
 rate  of  272  per 100,000  population, higher  than  the

 global average of 235 per 100,000  population.